Explore Orka Two


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Common Questions

Orka Two is for individuals with mild to moderately-severe hearing loss. If you are unsure of your hearing level, you can take our online hearing screening to find out if you are the right candidate. You can also take our questionnaire here.

Yes! Your Orka Two can be programmed to your hearing loss based on the audiogram that you provide to us. You can also program your hearing aids by generating a hearing profile with the results of the in-app hearing screening.

Yes! You can schedule an appointment with our hearing care professionals to have your Orka hearing aids adjusted to your hearing preferences. These adjustments are made based on your audiogram or the results of the in-app hearing screening. They can be done synchronously and asynchronously at your convenience.

AI DeNoise is Orka's proprietary noise reduction feature that is developed using machine-learning algorithms. It empowers Orka hearing aids by filtering out background noises while enhancing human voices in real-time. With the advancement of AI DeNoise, sound filters in Orka hearing aids and can self-adapt to changes that take place in your surroundings. This detects and reduces noises without extra effort. Orka presents you with a hassle-free experience that's smoother than basic noise reducing preset patterns.

Yes! Orka Two offers universal connectivity that allows you to stream high-quality audio wirelessly from any Bluetooth® devices such as iOS and Android smartphones.

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